Tanks on Wheels - 1.1.5


The newest update to Tanks on Wheels brings a number of changes to the fuel system, some additions to maps, and a foundation for a new future currency, amongst some technical alterations to ensure smooth gameplay and reduce game size. The following features and changes will be introduced in the coming update:

  • Changes to fuel:

    • Increased time between fuel ticks by 50%. From 4 seconds to 6 seconds. (fuel will decline slower)

    • Starting fuel reduced by 20%. (Reduced from 5 to 4 on scale)

    • Fuel consumption increased by 50% - this is to balance the increase in time between ticks. (Consumption increased from 0.5 value each tick to 1.0 value each tick)

  • Medals:

    • Gold, Silver and Bronze medals added to each map! These indicate how fast you completed the map, and will be showcased on map selection.

    • Medals will count towards unlocking new tanks, maps and additional future features to the game. The groundwork towards implementing this currency has been done. Unlocks will follow in the coming updates.

  • Map specific changes:

    • Added «Exit Tutorial»-button to the Tutorial Map.

    • Changed position of 1x Fuel barrel, added 3x extra Fuel barrels on Desert 101.

    • Added 3x extra Fuel barrels to Grnlnd.

    • Added 2x Fuel barrels to Fever Falls.

    • Added 2x Fuel barrels to Epic Desert.

    • Optimization on Night Treevia.

    • Optimization on Highway.

I hope you’ll enjoy these changes, and that it makes for a more engaging and fun time playing Tanks on Wheels.



Hi! I like games, and think that they’re the ultimate form of art; combining music, color and story - all in one product.

Trying to create a game development company here - brb!


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February - 2024